Jun 9, 2010

To add Football World Cup schedules to your Google Calender

A friend of mine has created a calendar with all Football World Cup games this year. Please follow the instructions if you want to add it to your Google calendar:

1) Go on your Google Calendar site
2) In the top right corner, click on 'Settings' -> 'Calendar Settings'
3) Click on the tab 'Calendars'
4) On the right side, in the middle of the screen, click on 'Browse
interesting calendars'
5) On the right side, click on 'Add by URL'
6) Enter http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/n7nopfeehis3gpi2ljic74795k%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
7) Hit 'Add Calendar'
8) Done! - If you now go back to your normal calendar view, you can
see that have a new calendar in the list on the left underneath 'All
World-Cup Games' and you should see all games in your calendar
starting Friday the 11th

Have fun!

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